Open Frame Products

Our Open Frame Products combine a high quality display and touch sensor in a single assembly ready to be mounted directly into your product.  Each one includes an LCD driver board that supports standard HMDI or VGA input and a touch controller board with a USB interface.  These Open Frame Products are great for quick turn prototypes, proof-of-concept demo platforms, or even low quanity production runs.  Contact Dawar to order. 

Dawar can also customize these platforms to fit your needs including custom cover lenses, custom sensor designs to support fine tip stylus, custom tuning for applications requiring salt water immunity, or switching a touch controller board with a different interface. Contact Dawar for information on customization options. 

Information on operating system drivers for the touch controller boards used in our Open Frame Products can be found here.

Open Frame Sizess

Size Part Number Display Interfaces Power Touch Interface
7" DW03176-B HDMI or VGA 120V power supply included Microchip USB
10.1" DW03166-B HDMI or VGA 120V power supply included Microchip USB
12.1" DW03177-B HDMI or VGA 120V power supply included Microchip USB
15.6" DW03178-B HDMI or VGA 120V power supply included Microchip USB
21.5" DW03260-B HDMI or VGA 120V power supply included Microchip USB